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Saturday, 11 October 2014

Few Blog Post Creation Tips

Few Blog Post Creatio Tips 

I’ve published over a thousand blog posts over the past16 months and every time,I learn something new about blogging. A lot of blogging is down to common sense,write a blog post and then look at it and ask your self, why wouldn’t I read this.Perhaps it’s because you have no pictures, or because the title doesn’t sell you into it, there is always something that can be done.

How To Create Amazing Blog Posts

The Post Headline Is More Important Then The Post

The majority of people reading this post will come via my email list,  some will open it just because they like what I do, but most will open it because of the subject line. If the subject line was just something boring like “Writing Content”, not as many people would open it. The same apply to blog post headlines! When I use to use Twitter a lot, people would just retweet my links just based on the subject line, they often didn’t even click the link. Here are some examples of good titles that you can use:

  • 10 Reasons Why Your Not Losing Weight
  • How To Optimize Your Blog For Search Engines, To Get More Traffic!
  • 30 Most Successful People In Web Design.
Always remember that your title has to be entice people to read your post otherwise, no one will click your link and that includes search engine readers.

Size Does Matter

Large posts often don’t get read though, or at least don’t get appreciated as much as they should do. Why is this?

  • To much text makes it look like there is a lot to do
  • People looking for a quick answer can’t skim 3000 words.
  • People with time still don’t want to read 3000 words if there is a chance it was a waste of time.
If you look at any content that goes viral, it’s often short and to the point and easily scan-able.

Don’t Talk About The Same Subject More Then Twice in a Row

I want to explain first.We should avoid to talk about the same subject more then 
twice. Because save time of visitor and give him right knowledge.
I hope this is good for you.If you want to get every message,subscribe 
                                                    RadhaKrishna Kumar

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