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Thursday, 4 September 2014

Identification of work

Instead of wasting time on things around the staff focusing on their work and initiatives focus on innovation, the promotion create a separate identity as well as the fast taughat steps.

 How to increase step on this path of success, telling Arun Shrivastava ..

HR department of a large FMCG company in the country, two assistant managers work Dhawan and saravan. Both work profile is more or less the same, but in the image of the institution, both in heaven and earth is the difference. The reason is the attitude of both.Dhawan where other departments often appear to wander and whisper, without hearing the work in any other department would be seen by hardly anyone. Dhawan to sit down on your seat all pending work will always remain the same. Instead he goes over the work-load are lamenting. Not only that, he is more capable and others do not leave any chance to prove non-sense. They think it makes them look to others to prove themselves capable and diligent employee helps. Meanwhile, up-to-date are hearing all work and no work pending rarely stays on his seat. The result is that the day came Dhawan officials have to listen to rebuke. Looking around to the point where the image of the Confidential Work is to be avoided, while hearing new and often-quoted line of work are confidential. It seems Dhawan ego hurt so much, but he does not ever try to introspection Why the hell would they do that? He Atmmugdhta contrast, engage in self-praise and audacity. Not only is their desire Aprishiatt them to others.
Case is not unique
Dhawan and auditory Mployi as you will get to see in almost every office.कुछ कर्मचारी जहां बिना किसी के कहे अपने काम में लगे रहते हैं, वहीं कुछ लोग ऐसे भी होते हैं जो बहुत सारा काम होने के बावजूद दूसरों के पास बैठकर, बिना मतलब की बातें करके अपने साथ-साथ उनका समय भी खराब करते हैं। People who frequently go out on the pretext of office are also Dunhdhte. Such people often find it too will say, man, you know, some things just do not seem to mind at work, or my. Time in itself to keep them for granted and think they will continue the job. Do not watch any of them.

लेकिन ऐसे लोगों को इस बात का ध्यान रखना चाहिए कि ऐसा सोचना सरासर उनकी भूल है।

They can not be left like that for a long time. Institute of Management monitors every employee. Yes, there are times when he takes drastic steps, seems to be the head above water. Indeed, while most institutions select staff check-examine their attitude would not have any concrete measure. Psychological Test future with the help of some institutions such as the Employees behavior of Psychometric test attempt is made, but it is not considered one hundred percent effective.
Remove job, Find mind
हो सकता है कि आप अपना काम बहुत जल्दी और परफेक्शन के साथ निपटा देते हों, लेकिन इसका मतलब यह नहीं कि इसके बाद आपको इधर-उधर घूमने की आजादी मिल जाती है। Each Office is a discipline. If you have no work, work-profiles so you can work on ways to in-Rich. You pursue your department and the department can initiate cooperation in other activities. This will strengthen the team, this initiative will distinguish you too. As long as you do not think it will, you will not do anything. Will move forward to something new, then you will also like it that the other partner will also feel Motiveted.
Mission multitasking
You never think that you were hired for the job, you will do just the same. Today, every company likes Mployi with multitasking approach.ऐसे में हो सकता है कि आपके विभाग में आपके प्रोजेक्ट में कुछ तब्दीली हो जाए या फिर कुछ नए काम आ जाएं। You should not fall in to that challenge. Seniors or management to logic before it could spoil your image at the time of the appointment of the new work was not told about it. The Institute regularly and any new work assignments keep coming. It is rare for a new job to put on a new people. Often they try to accomplish with the help of current employees are. So put yourself in a flexible mode, so anything can accept new assignments come out easily.
Ardor of Learning
If you already have the skills, the time and keep regularly updated as required. In addition, the desire to learn new skills always maintain. It often happens that at regular intervals in the company that brought new softwares or techniques.ऐसे में आप यह जिद नहीं कर सकते कि जब पुराने सिस्टम पर सहजता से काम हो रहा है, तो फिर इसकी जरूरत क्यों? The company's decision to reject you instead try to understand these new learning technologies. After initial problems-troubles you, he will seemingly techniques.
Be Attitude soft
In the office, there are times when you may feel hurt your pride or you may feel harassed. It Do not panic, do not panic. Keep calm mind. Vicharen thinking and focus on the task, otherwise your making your pitch is fierce.मैनेजमेंट या सीनियर्स से उलझने या बहस करने या फिर उनके बारे में इधर-उधर बातें करने की बजाय आप उनके साथ बैठने का समय लें, ताकि आपस की गलतफहमियां दूर हो सकें। Your behavior and the overall work of the Institute staff could make number one.
* Roam around or waste time instead of doing things with perfection in his work to himself Pruv.
* It does not work or is less by its positive initiative designed to offer new functions to the introduction of.
* उग्र प्रतिक्रिया जताने की बजाय अपने व्यवहार को संयत रखें और मैनेजमेंट-सीनियर्स को अपने एटीट्यूड और काम से भरोसे में लेने का प्रयास करें।
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